TIEFIX-clip is a double-wire reinforced ribbon (clipband) employed by clipping
machines to close the neck of the plastic bags in order to create an elegant tuft.

It can be ink-stamped or embossed with any data such as expiration date, lot number, etc.
It can be supplied in a large variety of colors, with iron wire’s diameters ranging from 0.55 to 0.8 mm., depending upon the thickness of the bags and upon the employed machines.
It is conditioned in rolls of 500, 600 meters and beyond. It can also be supplied in plain or self-adhesive pre-cut pieces of the desired length.

TIEFIX-clip is perfect for ALL clipping bag-closers that require plastic clipband, such as Hartmann, Optima, Thurlings, P+S Mako Rianta, Rovema, PM Italia, Comiz, Zennato, Comipack, ecc. (registered trademarks)

500 or 600 m. Clipband rolls Clipband rolls, available in a wide variety of colors

TIEFIX tin-tie, a special TIEFIX-clip, which is applied by hand or automatically on top of multi-layered coffee or tea bags, for an easy roll-up reclosure after being opened