TIEFIX-Med™ is a range of special wire-cored reinforcements covered with biodegradable paper or non-toxic plastics, purposely designed for the medical sector.
A few application examples:
- NOSE PADS and HOLDING SUPPORTS (adaptable reinforcements) for medical and industrial masks for adapting the mask’s profile to the user’s face medicali e industriali
- REINFORCEMENTS for medical devices (bags, envelopes, drapes, special profiles)
- CLOSURES for envelopes and bags of special liquid and solid waste, fluid collection pouches, within both hospital and non-hospital environments.

TIEFIX-Med is available in reels and in pre-cut pieces of any lengths, also in self-adhesive format
General Plastics has been operating in the medical-pharmaceutical sector for several decades with its range of vials flasks and closures. Entirely made in Europe, TIEFIX-Med range is an ideal complement for the European supply chain of face masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE)